Is transit included in the price?
Transit is not included in our price. But we are happy to help you arrange transportation to and from central Hua Hin, or central Bangkok, or Suvarnabhumi Airport (BKK). Please contact us for pricing.
What is the best route to get there?
We recommend using Google Maps or this drawn map to find us. We are tucked in the valley, so please look for our signs along the way.
Can I have a discount?
Please do not ask us for a discount. We are a Thai family business offering very reasonable prices compared to other fishing parks in Thailand. Our team works hard to make sure you have a great experience. It's also not fair to our other customers to offer different prices outside of our advertised promotions. Therefore our prices and policies are the same for all customers.
Can I use my own fishing tackle?
Safety is our top priority. We do allow you to use your own fishing tackle, but only after it has been assessed and approved by our Head Fishing Guide. In particular, it must be strong enough to handle our large fish:
Our Specimen Lake requires a minimum line of 80+ lbs.
Our Carp Lake requires a minimum line of 50+ lbs.
All hooks must be barbless, and dead baits must use circle hooks. We do not allow free-lines.
Can I hire fishing tackle there?
We offer fishing tickets that include the hire of fishing tackle.
What fishing regulations should I be aware of?
Where large fish are concerned, important regulations are necessary for the safety of the angler and the well-being of the fish. Greenfield Valley Fishing Resort regulations ensure that these goals are achieved.
When you come onsite, we will ask you to sign off on our fishing regulations, with emphasis on:
Using barbless hooks only.
Arapaima and fish over 40 lbs need to be unhooked in the water.
For our Predator tickets, floats and free line fishing are not allowed please.
Do you allow children to fish?
Safety is our top priority. Children are allowed to fish, subject to the care and control of the accompanying adult who is responsible for them at all times. For their safety, fishing children must obey the Head Fishing Guide while fishing. Small children may be required to stay in the non-fishing area, eg. the restaurant or reception area.
Can I share my rod?
No rod sharing please.
Can I night fish, if I'm staying the night?
Safety is our top priority. Therefore we do not allow fishing after fishing hours.
Can I book any of the lakes for a private event?
Yes, please contact us for more details.